The short answer is no. Keywords are more than just phrases related to a particular topic. A good keyword is a term that users actually type into an online search engine.
Search terms can vary from country to country. Here’s an example. The English phrase “ringing in the ear” has three possible translations in German: klingeln im ohr (the literal translation), pfeifen im ohr (a variation on the literal translation), and ohrensausen (the colloquial term for this phenomenon). The search volume for the German terms varies drastically: only 480 people search for klingeln im ohr every month, while 6,600 people search for ohrensausen.
But language differences aren’t the only reason that people use different terms to search for the same topic. Cultural differences have an effect, too. That’s why keywords can’t just be translated. It takes country-specific research for them to do their jobs correctly.