Website Translation:
Gain a competitive advantage with compelling content

Natural-sounding German content gives you a triple advantage: The quality of the text boosts your search ranking, drives more users to your site, and creates stronger relationships with your German customers.

Numbers & Facts

When every word counts

According to a study by Nielsen NetRatings, users only spend around 40 seconds on a website, on average. They decide in under a minute whether to give you their attention or not. That means that every word needs to be spot on. That’s reason enough to speak to your visitors in their native language, but there are other reasons as well.

More traffic

60% of online buyers make purchases on English-language websites only seldom or not at all. Translating your website can significantly expand your potential customer base.

Optimum user experience

76% of online shoppers prefer to shop in their native language. Translating your website gives your customers a better user experience, increases the potential conversion rate, and boosts brand loyalty.

Better SEO ranking

Google prioritizes results in the user’s language. That means that English-language websites will usually appear in German-speaking countries only if no German-language results are available. A German translation will boost your site’s visibility.

One-time vs. continuous translation

  • One-time translation
  • >
  • Extract the data in an editable format
  • >
  • Import the translated content
  • VS
  • >
  • Extract the data in an editable format
  • >
  • Import the translated content
  • Continuous translation
  • >
  • Automate workflow using a translation management system
  • >
  • Continuous import


The best of both worlds: Human & machine translation

Break into the German market with an online presence that will get you noticed by both customers and search engines. Stand out from your competition with German content that is created with as much care as the English originals. Let me show you how.

Website translation workflow

  • First of all, we’ll get to know each other. You’ll tell me all about your company and your goals, and we’ll decide on the key parameters for the project.
  • One-time translation
    We’ll discuss if and how the content should be extracted for translation. You don’t need to worry about the tools used for the translation—I’ll provide them.
  • Continuous translation
    If you need continuous translation, I’ll advise you about the required systems and tools. Together, we’ll design a workflow that will align perfectly with your business processes.
  • Machine translation
    We will determine which content is well-suited for machine translation or pre-translation. The benefit of machine translation is that large volumes of text can be translated quickly and inexpensively. However, machine-translated texts nearly always require manual revision.
  • I translate your website content and adapt it for the new target market. In other words, I don’t just translate it into German—I translate it into the language of your customers. The translations are written in your brand voice, but as if you were a German brand.
  • To help German consumers find you, I optimize your website for search engines. This includes adding relevant keywords, creating meta tags, and optimizing the text structure so the content is easy to understand.
  • As soon as the website goes live, I check everything over carefully. I’ll look at how well the content fits into the website design and adjust the text length if needed. When everything looks perfect, the project is complete. Milestone reached! Hooray!

Work sample


Example of a website translation. The German copy had to be precise, tailored to the German audience and as short as the English copy.


Ann-Cathrin Huth, Yamaha Music Europe GmbH

When it comes to localizing SEA campaigns, there are a variety of things to consider in order to ensure that they perform well internationally. We have been very satisfied with Magali’s work.

Project Manager, NLG GmbH

Magali’s expertise in SEO has helped us to better understand the needs of our clients and to set up projects even more efficiently.

Jennifer Nitsch, crowdmedia GmbH

Finding a translator who knows her way around SEO is not an easy task. Working with Magali is always a pleasure.

Christina Wöhlke, Wordinc

Magali helped us to better understand the requirements for international SEO projects so that we could clear up a misunderstanding with our client and set up an important project properly. She shows great commitment and always delivers good results.


The terms website translation and website localization are often used as synonyms. But actually, translation is just part of the localization process. “Website translation” means transferring the text into another language, while localization includes adapting the website to the cultural context of the target market. This might include changing the currency, units of measurement, user navigation, and even certain functions or offers to make them relevant and appealing to the local target group.


A translation management system (TMS) is a type of software that helps translators manage and work on translation projects efficiently. A TMS can automate certain steps in the translation process, like assigning tasks to different employees. In addition, most translation management systems include tools that make it easier and faster to translate, communicate with other team members, and carry out quality checks. These systems are typically used by companies that need to produce and manage large volumes of multilingual content.


It can make sense to automate website translation workflows with a translation management system if the project is complex (many different languages, high volume) or if texts and translations need to be continuously updated. In this case, a TMS can make the process more efficient and cost-effective while ensuring uniformly high quality.